Des Bottes et des Gants Imperméables

Making these mittens has been on my mind for months now. X has this terrible habit of sucking his hands and with colder days coming his hand are freezing when we are out for our walks.

I bought the PUL fabric and fleece interior back in October. I wanted to make a pair of warm waterproof boots too that X could not pull off too easily. I finally got my act together and pulled out my sewing machine and put my mind to it.

The ultra-soft fleece was shedding everywhere and extremely stretchy. This required a fine zigzag overcast across the edge. I made the mistake of doing this with the PUL as well. It ruined the PUL, shredding it to pieces. I also did not realize that there is a right side and wrong side to a zipper until I finished attaching it. PUL does not fair well to mistakes. I had to redo the boot with fresh fabric.

The boot and mittens turned out exactly as I  imagined and worked splendidly.

Waterproof boots and mittens

Waterproof boots and mittens